The Mineral Connection
Cancer Cures
Part II
The body has a built in homeostatic mechanism which was discussed in Part 1, that is designed to keep the blood’s pH in the optimal range. One of the best buffers for keeping the pH in balance is calcium and other alkaline minerals, such as cesium, magnesium, potassium, manganese and iron. These minerals will bind with acids and a neutral salt is produced which can enter the bloodstream without affecting the blood's pH values. This accelerates the removal of acids that can be deeply rooted in the tissues of the body. "Hypercalciuria" is one condition where a high acidic diet results in high concentrations of calcium in the urine. In severe cases the body will even take calcium from the bones and teeth in an effort to remove acids from the body. An overly acidic diet will eventually deplete all minerals from the body and lead to a variety of health issues. For instance, a calcium deficiency can lead to osteoporosis and a deficiency of magnesium can result in heart disease. There are 70 essential minerals and trace elements that are necessary for optimal health and most of them will help alkalize the body. Mineral deficiencies caused by an acidic diet, and other factors, may be the root cause of most chronic diseases. As always, a good multivitamin and a healthy diet will supply these valuable minerals for the maintenance of good health.
It has been suggested that cancer cells go dormant at a pH of 7.4 and will completely die at an alkaline pH of 8.4. One of the most promising treatments for cancer available today is a mineral called Cesium Chloride. Cancer cells are highly acidic and cesium chloride alkalizes them, making them so sick that the body’s immune system begins to attack them. Tumors simply dry up and the dead cells are flushed from the body. As was mentioned previously, the blood's homeostasis is apparently not adversely affected by this alkaline mineral and the pain from cancer disappears within 48 hours. Even the American Cancer Society has begrudgingly admitted that in some clinical studies cesium chloride was effective in treating cancer. It may be possible to achieve the same results with any of the alkaline minerals, or a combination of them. The importance of minerals to our health is often overlooked. Even the trace elements are important and a deficiency of just one of them can have harmful effect.
The following YouTube Video is an interview with Dr. Joel Wallach, author of the best selling book, "Dead Doctors Don't Lie." Dr. Wallach is considered the world's leading expert on the importance of minerals and trace elements in the human diet.
If a tiny bit of something is good for us then a whole lot of it must be even better, at least that’s the way we humans often think. This, of course, is not always true. Too much salt can ruin the homemade soup. Too much of some trace elements in the body can be toxic. Lithium is one of those trace elements that the body seems to need in only small amounts and is toxic in large doses. Some of the symptoms of lithium poisoning are diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, dizziness, slurred speech and irregular heartbeat. On the other hand, deficiencies of Lithium are associated with mental illness, poor immune functioning, manic depression, alcohol cravings and impotency. There is also growing evidence that low levels of lithium may in some part be responsible for a host of problems in people, especially ones related to violence.
Researchers at the University of California, San Diego collected hair samples from various countries throughout the world. When these samples were analyzed for their mineral content there seemed to be a correlation between low lithium levels and high rates of homicides, suicides and rape and high hospital admissions. These same researchers then performed another study - this time analyzing lithium levels in the drinking water of 27 Texas counties. They found that areas where the municipal water had very low, or no lithium levels at all, were also the areas with the highest rates of robbery, theft, suicide and other violent crimes. In addition, these were also the areas with the highest number of arrests for drugs and drug related problems.
In another study, this time in a medium security prison, 12 inmates with a history of chronic impulsive violence, were given lithium three times a day. As observed by the prison staff, the inmates receiving lithium demonstrated less aggressive tendencies both physically and verbally. This was later confirmed by a larger study of sixty-six violent prisoners who, when given lithium, also showed a reduction in aggressive behavior. In both a Connecticut and a California prison, the violent inmates who participated in the study saw a near elimination of anti-social aggression over the 3-18 month study.
Lithium Added to Drinking Water?
Studies such as the ones mentioned above have prompted some people to believe that lithium should be added to the drinking water in prisons and communities with high rates of violent crime. Japan is one of the places where this discussion is taking place. That country has the highest levels of suicide in the industrialized world. Researchers from Oita University studied the lithium levels in 18 communities in south Japan. They found that the cities with the lowest levels of lithium in the water also had the highest suicide rates. As effective as it might be, the mere mention of adding anything to drinking water invokes images of governments "drugging" the masses. Lithium isn’t in the same category as drugs such as Prozac and Valium, which are designed to calm people down. It is a trace element that should already be in the water naturally.
Adding lithium to drinking water is an interesting idea, but why restrict it. Why not add all the trace elements to the water supply. Perhaps an even more productive discussion should be how to add them back to our food supply. It is becoming apparent that trace elements, such as lithium, are essential in our diets to maintain a healthy body and mind. Lithium should be found in almost all foods, especially in eggs and milk, but finding it there is becoming hit and miss at best. After decades of modern farming practices our soils are becoming depleted of all trace elements. A healthy soil is one teeming with life. There should be earth worms, nematodes, bacteria, fungi and insects. A single teaspoon of living soil may contain millions of beneficial microorganism. It may contain up to 25,000 different species of bacteria and 10,000 species of fungi. Some of these little soil critters attach to the roots of plants and help absorb nutrients. Others attach to dirt and grit and help break it down into bioavailable minerals and other nutrients. Other soil microorganisms help decompose organic matter, turning it into nutrition, while others improve soil permeability for moisture, oxygen and nutrition. In fact, 85% of all plant nutrients must be cycled through these microorganisms to be bioavailable for plant uptake. Like the human body, the proper pH of soil is vital for the growth and maintenance of these little soil critters!
When farmers pour chemical fertilizers, herbicides and pesticide onto the soil it kills the beneficial microorganisms. Is it any wonder that our soils are depleted of trace elements such as lithium? A person would have to eat 75 cups of spinach today to get the same amount of iron as was found in one cup of spinach in 1942. If lithium or other minerals are not in our soils then they can’t leach into the water supply or be absorbed by food as it grows. As a consequence, our foods are now becoming depleted of essential minerals and the results are being seen in people’s health. This has spurred the growth of organic and biodynamic farming which promotes the life in soil.
If we compare our society to how it was 100 years ago we see that it has become a much less friendly place. There are school shootings, violent crime, drugs, terrorism and a sense of discontent among large numbers of the world’s population. While lithium deficiencies can’t be held responsible for all violence and crime, it is certainly a contributing factor. At this point, we don’t even know how deficiencies of most other trace elements contribute to social and health problems? So why not add all the essential minerals and trace elements to our drinking water. The results could only be positive. The most important one would be health and reduced health care costs for large numbers of people. The minerals would contribute to a balanced pH and the reduction of cancer rates and chronic disease. A reduction of violence, crime and suicides is almost becoming imperative! It is time to think beyond the tired old ways of dealing with health and social issues and think of new innovative techniques to deal with problems. The same is true for the treatment of cancer through balancing the body's pH. By eating 80% alkalizing foods and taking alkalizing minerals we can balance the pH and give a new vitality to our health.